Kick-ass PHP Development

Looking for someone to create your website or code your next web-based application?
Look no further. WanWizard uses the latest PHP Frameworks to produce kick-ass applications!

Webbased applications

WanWizard can be contracted to develop your new webbased application, using the latest in PHP frameworks, or built on top of the ExiteCMS application framework. The applications we build are completely modular, easy to maintain, and simple to extend and scale. All it requires is to translate your business logic into module code.

WanWizard is a strong believer of Open Source software, and a contributor to several PHP projects.


FuelPHP is a new PHP development framework, utilizing the latest PHP has to offer. FuelPHP is small, fast, and allows you to develop webbased applications very quickly. It is fully extendible, and comes with module and package support built-in. WanWizard is a core developer for FuelPHP.


The CodeIgniter framework was WanWizard's first framework of choice. It's a very good framework, with excellent documentation, which appeals especially to beginners. WanWizard is very active in the CodeIgniter community, author of Modular CI, making CodeIgniter modular, and maintainer of Datamapper ORM, the object relationship mapper library.


ExiteCMS is a web application framework, build on top of FuelPHP. The functionality ExiteCMS adds to FuelPHP allows you to quickly build scalable web applications. ExiteCMS comes with a pluggable module and package system, a complete administrative backend interface, user authentication, a role-based authorisation system, and ready-to-use modules for everything from a blog to a forum.